Thank you for your interest in hiring Outer Circle Crew to perform at your event!

Please copy this form, and paste in to an email and fill it out! 

* is Required

Organization/Event Contact Name  (for Contract)*

Email *
Cel Phone *

Organization Address (street # Street, City, Stage, Zip)
Contact the day of Event Name and Cel: 

Name Of Event 

Date of Event

Location of Event * (include address Venue Name and Address)

Time of Event *

Styles of Dance Desired 

(Breakin, Hip Hop, Martial Arts, Chinese Ribbon Dance, Fan Dance, Contemporary, etc)

Are you interested in Choreographed Show, or Party Hypenators?

Over All Event Description and Idea for performances.

Total Number of Dancers Desired: *

Number of MALES:
Number of FEMALES:

Do You Need a DJ *

Performance Space Dimensions *
we ideally like no less than a 12 by 12 hard wood floor. however, we can adjust to your situation. For Dancers 8 and more, we like 20x20 

Costume OR THEME  Requests. *
Can be themed, Colors, or character (ex./ Thriller Zombies, 80's, Formal, incognito)

Approximate Age/Grade Level of Audience

Other invited artists participating in event: